Wonderful, wonderful 3rd Anniversary Celebration! :)
I'm a happy girl! *huggies to my darling*
Baby is so cute today and very sweet! :D
He planned 2 big surprises for me today! Keke!!
Surprise 1 on the bus! Wahahaha, naughty boy's timing is good!
So we had our little celebration at The Rice Table. *yum*
Naughty Boy ate so little! Wahaha :P

The Satay's gone before I could take a pic....

Into our tummies *slurpS*

Wo Gei Ta de Li Wu

My Baby Boy

You are the Best! *blush*

Wo Xi Huan!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can guess what this is? Crucial item!
My clever boy made such a ordinary place to such a romantic spot. *melts*

My huge gift and our little ceremony. Keke!


The cake didn't get into the shot. :(
Thanks baby for today, you were great! Hehe!
Glad you like the gift!
You made my day (or dayS ahead).
LMHK... 7 more years to our dream :) (hopefully, hee)
*hugs titely*
I'm a happy girl! *huggies to my darling*
Baby is so cute today and very sweet! :D
He planned 2 big surprises for me today! Keke!!
Surprise 1 on the bus! Wahahaha, naughty boy's timing is good!
So we had our little celebration at The Rice Table. *yum*
Naughty Boy ate so little! Wahaha :P

The Satay's gone before I could take a pic....

Into our tummies *slurpS*

Wo Gei Ta de Li Wu

My Baby Boy

You are the Best! *blush*

Wo Xi Huan!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can guess what this is? Crucial item!
My clever boy made such a ordinary place to such a romantic spot. *melts*

My huge gift and our little ceremony. Keke!


The cake didn't get into the shot. :(
Thanks baby for today, you were great! Hehe!
Glad you like the gift!
You made my day (or dayS ahead).
LMHK... 7 more years to our dream :) (hopefully, hee)
*hugs titely*