The Story of 4 Aunties in Hong Kong Part 5
(Day Three - Lantau Island)
Itinerary for 24 May 06
Breakfast at Mido Cafe
Off to Lantau Island via MTR
Home Suite Home
Let the photos do the talking... :P
Retro huh?
Us at the entrance...
If you look hard enough, you can actually spot Mr Cool Uncle behind...
The MTR was moving so fast that even their handles swayed sideways...
Us on the shaky ride up the hill....
They had fences at the sides of the hill which made it look like we are going into Jurassic Park... *Grrr*

My little windmill for baby D!
Really yummy dishes!
Please try if you can!
Please try if you can!
I was telling them that if Cdians were living in HK, we will probably go up there everytime to have our birthday gathering!

The toilets at the monastery...
The height of the door is somewhere between our waist and chest, naughty boy was asking why I didn't peep at the others when they were pee-ing...
Finally, the disney train!!
That's the side profile of the ang-moh that we saw!
That's the side profile of the ang-moh that we saw!
She was quite pretty and her friend caught us looking at her...
The seats inside were so comfy!! I love the little bronzy statues they have inside the glass panel...
Check out the pic with me and ah gwee...
See the mickey mouse window? Look further...
Can you see the pole outside? Look lower...
Can you find the numbers? Think deeper...
and you might strike 4D!!!!
I've got to enlarge this pic and show my mum, she sure have ling gan 灵感 one!
you all strike must tell me leh! And don't forget my share!
I was pretty amazed by how it was captured...
So zhun! I mean.... the MTR was moving and the pole got snapped just like that!
The numbers aren't even blurry!
Our first buy in Disneyland - Mickey Raincoats
Ah ju and I could'nt resist....
And guess what, just after we bought the coats and figured out how to wear it... the rain stopped...

The Mainstreet of USA!
We reached Disneyland at about 330pm and managed to catch the Disney Parade! right on this street!
One funny thing I noticed was the people strolling behind the vehicles carrying the characters...
More and more people were just walking behind the parading vehicles...
It just reminded me of....
*chiang* blowing of trumpets *chiang*blowing of trumpets* chiang*
Gwee said I was very bad cuz I can't help laughing... No offence ya! ;P
Disney Parade (This is not the one you watch on normal sunny days...)
We had to watch this short one because we went on a rainy day :(
Singaporeans are so paranoid!
Cuz the first thing that came to our mind when we saw the rides in Disneyland...
"Need to pay anot ah?"
I guess we are all trained this way...
Mickey mouse shaped ice cream!
It was a really exciting ride!
Looking at the animals (looked so real!), feeling the heat from the fire, getting sprayed by the elephants... *thumbs*
Amazing! Check out this!
We can actually feel the heat! Really *wow*
We ran inside this dining area just to take this photo and dashed out right after that...
The 3D Theatre!
We loved this!
They sprayed water and gave off scents according to the movie scenerios!
Eg, during the scene when Jasmine and who's the guy? Aladdin? was flying on the magic carpet, they actually gave out lots of air (not THAT air) to let you feel the wind...
Really good!
Us and the specs (we wanted to "cop" the glasses back but didn't) :P
Looks familiar?
This bear has a huge belly!
Too much hunny for you, pooh!
The thing I liked about DL is how they make everything so real...
The characters have each got a personal assistant that sort of "takes care" of them and will bring them to rest, talk to them, hold them when they are walking...
Very cute, this pic was taken when Pooh when for his rest... (most probably to change shift, wahahah)
I figured that these character will take a break after about 15 mins?
Cuz I keep seeing them go in and out of the little hut..
And the next thing you know, you see Minnie mouse with a thinner calf after her break...
I think they need QC to ensure that all their workers inside the mascot have similar sized calfs so that we won't know if the Minnie that came back from the break is a different Mouse

I love to see these characters mingle with each other...
In this particular incident, Minnie was going for her break when she came over to Mickey's hut and caught him taking a pic with a lady...
Minnie acted angry and Mickey had to go over to coax her...
They both then kissed with their noses and held hands till Mickey's PA told him to go back...
They had to part (that's the above shot!)
This Dale (Right) is very tico leh!
He very "re qing", hugged both ah Ju and Guan before taking the pics....
Luckily me and Gwee not standing at his side... lolx!
Chip must be the introvert, he just said hi to us haha...
I love this big blue duck!
He's so cute!
He saw Guan's ducky tank top and pointed to it before taking a photo with her
He must have seen Guan's pirated top
This duck just came back from a shift so he was very energetic, kept shaking his butt... lolx!
Minnie is so pretty, love her cosy hut!
This was the second Minnie we saw (with smaller calfs) but she was not as energetic as the first...
Gwee wanted to tell her "Ni shou le你瘦了"
She will most probably go back and tell her Minnie clone what gwee said and that thicker-calf-minnie will be upset for the rest of the day :P
we are so evil...
If I'm Minnie, I will probably be the fattest Minnie you've ever seen haha
Anyway, this Minnie was scaring this little girl who ran away from her...
everytime Minnie raised her hands and tries to scare her, the little girl will scream... haha
The teacups, very old school hor?
Alice and Us in Wonderland
The Classic Piece!
Trying on the caps!
Our future is in our hands...
We caught the last train of the day!
Mainstreet of USA at Night... Really beautiful!
Do check out the firworks at night, really awesome!
Much better than Singapore's million dollars... erm... sparks...
This is what real fireworks is about
Check out this video... Not taken by me (the quality of mine is too bad to be shown) but the fireworks is the same...
Beautiful right?
I will definitely check out the ones in Japan and Amercia someday!
Check out the bakery, looks really appetising huh?
This is the fountain whereby Mickey moves up and down

So pretty! and this marks the end of our Disneyland adventure... :(

So pretty! and this marks the end of our Disneyland adventure... :(
Enjoy the video!
I want more! *sob*
to be continued...