Friday, December 28, 2007

The fragility of life...

News that shocked many last night... Ms Bhutto's death
Though I don't really follow Pakistan politics...
It's pretty obvious the country's in quite a chaotic state with all the protests, bomb blasts and killings...

Though I don't quite agree with the more than often fare hikes, I've to be content with life in Singapore...
At least we don't live everyday in constant fear, paranoid about political killings and dramatic street protests.
It's definitely not a nice sight with all the streets filled with blood puddles and injured peeps (like those scenes you see on news coverage on the incident)

Mum came back last night from her trip...
One of her friend (who went along with the tour) had a sudden heart attack while they were scaling some small mountain, he collapsed and passed away just like that...

And to think we trusted travel insurances...

They didn't manage to bring the body back to Singapore cuz of the hefty fees (the insurance company didnt wanna bear the cost!) and so had to be cremated in China...

It's pretty sad not being able to be "sent off" in your own homeland and your children not being able to sent you in your "last journey"...
I always feel for those who pass away overseas...

It was suppose to be a long-awaited, fun and relaxing trip but something like tt happened..
Unexpected, traumatising for some of the travel mates and poor mum who didnt had good night rest throughout the trip...

So much unhappy incidents happening around...
What a way to end the year...

May the deceased rest in peace...