We are pleased to inform you that your application for the above-mentioned facility is confirmed and have been allocated: -
Date / Time of Check In : 31 AUG 2007 (2pm to 8pm)
- Far from Downtown East
- Walk a distance from the bus stop (chalet situated at the end of a straight road)
- Looks kindna Ulu (though located near Pasir Ris Park) and old
- Not many peeps have been there before, might be hard to locate
- Not sure if there's lotsa mosquitoes
- Not sure if lighting is enough at night
- Not much activities to do (might get boring)
- Big bungalow, spacious, 4 rooms!
- BBQ Pit located just outside the living room (enough space for buffet too)
- Near Pasir Ris Park and beach
- Pasir Ris Park has got nice playgrounds
- Cheaper than Coasta Sands Chalets
- Somewhere different rather than the usual chalets
- Own car porch with sufficient space at the side to accomodate more cars
- Can rent majong tables and bikes nearby
Asked the rest for opinions and most of them would go with this chalet =)
Means I can save the extra moolahs and spend them on food etc...
Hur hur!
So ya, I shall make an official statement:
You are invited to my 21st birthday celebration!
Date: Those who are staying, it's 31st Aug to 2nd Sep
For the actual celebration, it's 1st Sep!
Time: TBA (about 6 plus?)
Venue: HomeTeamNS Pasir Ris Holiday Chalets
No 125A - 125H Pasir Ris Road (next to PA Holiday Chalets)
Pls refer to this map
Alight at about the 11th stop after the interchange
- drop off after a round-about
- @ the bus stop, stand facing the park/beach and you will see a long straight road beside a community centre on your left
- there shd be a sign saying "HomeTeamNS" or something
- Follow the road all the way

"This is somewhere near the start of the road...
The chalet is at the end..."
"Almost there..."
- you will see PA Holiday Chalet on your right (which looks alot like a school... with basketball court, canteen and all)
- Walk all the way and you can find me at the end of the road!
"Walk into the gate and you will be greeted with this sight..."
(B6 is the first chalet from the right)
"The basketball and tennis court is on your left"
"The other side of the bungalow...
That's my unit (located just beside the bike rental station)"
"The front of the balcony faces this open field and Pasir Ris Park...
There's a old school playground!"
"This is the entrance to Pasir Ris Park via a back gate...
Can go beach!"
"That's the gate I'm referring to...
There's this small shop where there's a pool table and some arcade machines"
(spot the difference and some fighting game machines which naughty boy loved... It's only 40c per game!)
This is getting exciting!
I'm thinking about the guests list, decor, cake, food and activities....
Will update more as time comes...
This entry will serve as a guide to my ulu chalet...
Hope this is useful cuz I don't want any of you to get lost!!