Me, Myself and Cheng Yee, all about Me.
My love for Travel, Food, Family, Friends and Him!
Monday, May 28, 2007
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Not that I've been working for many weekends...
Sure enough, I saw her on the dunking board the moment I stepped into the always-closed-TV gates
For once, it was a feat to spend $15 (coupon money) in 15 minutes...
I just grabbed anything I could for last few minutes...
Nearly couldn't make it in time for the bulletin...
Thank goodness for kind Ismail who helped me print... =)
But then again, the bottle of cheapo mineral water doesn't help...
I wish I did... but nah... not me...
Lucky guy...
Mine was 290...
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
It's pearl's last day =(
One AP lesser... =(
Nevertheless, we should feel happy for her cuz ya, we will all move on sooner or later...
When will it be my turn? =/
Sweet skinny Pearl got us Apple Strudel! Yum...
Thanks for filling us with the calories!
That's some of the morning crews...
And that's the studio where we worked in...
Pearl didn't feel very well today but still stayed to wait for the night crew to come in...
Poor girl...
Should have rested more!
Went into the studio to take pics on the set of PrimeTime morning and NewsDay, Newsnight...
To Pearl
Pearl Pearl! We are all going to miss you too!
Do keep in contact ya?
Take good care of your health and I'm looking forward to our gathering! =)
Thanks for your Strudel!
Enjoy your well deserved break! =)
Love, ah yee
Sunday, May 13, 2007
It's Isaac's post party party!!
Some free booze...
Kindly sponsored by Mr Isaac... Heh!
@ BarFly with Chivas and Martel, lime juice and green tea!
Chestnut peeps...
Think our maths improved quite significantly after the nite of 7-up...
1,2,3,4,5,6, CHESTNUT!
I'm embarrassed... See how red my face was!
We are both "seh" but she didnt turn red!!
Instead, she laughed non-stop and couldn't walk straight...
Silly ah Ju...
*acts blur*
Chestnut! =P
Naughty Boy said I had alcohol breath =(
Had much fun playing the 7-up game and drinking Chivas as punishment...
Damn... tasted yucky without the mixers...
I wouldn't spend tons of moolahs on drinking such stuff... =/
Us at a bus-stop... of all places
Went on to the Esplanade after drinking and witnessed some fighting...
Ugly Singaporeans...!
Gossiped lots and had great fun chatting back past times!
Heh! =)
Fiona's scandal came over to fetch the BP peeps home...
Jia you Pi Gu! =P
Slept at 4 plus till the following afternoon, got ready for Eunice's party@ Coasta Sands Pasir Ris...
Finally got reunited with ah Gwee who was alone there... =(
Gobbling up the bee hoon and curry...
Naughty Boy bullying small kids upstairs...
Kids nowadays are getting smarter and bolder!
That cheeky Xaiver boy sure knows alot about his body parts =/
And one whole tub!
Preparing to Bai-Ti-Gong!
Finally, we had a chance to bbq!
That's when the others are crowding around the Ti Gong Table...
Preparing the offerings... LOL!
Just Kidding =P
Don't kill me Eunice!

Mr Misleader with his misleading top!

Playing and milking the cow at Ben & Jerry...
and probably... trying to eat beef...

The 2 acting gays... wahaha

and playing whips...

Another kinky shot...
these guys....
Yik feeling Unsecure...
"Last" party until a long long time... Boo hoo! =(
Guess it's either Guan Yi (if she returns from Aussie) or mine next!
Man... Need alot of planning and accomodating to organise a party...
Hope mine will turn out well!
Btw, I need help from Civil servants!!
If you are one or anyone closed to you is one...
Let me know~ I need your help!
Thankew so much! :)
To Eunice:
Happy 21st girl!
Have an enjoyable year ahead!
Hope you like the nitegown nightie...
(TO ISAAC: It can also be called nightgown ma! What's wrong!!)
Make full use of it *Ahem!*
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Had a great time with my naughty boy celebrating our 4th... :)
It's been ages (think the last time was when we celebrated our 1st anni... =/) since I went to Sentosa and it has changed quite abit!
Our cake!
I baked choc cake for us! :)
I love eggs!!
I want more naughty boy!!!
*Big hugs*
More anni-s to ccooommmeeeeee!