I wanted so much to blog after the gathering with chummies but always end up hitting the bed when I'm home =P
Had a wonderful day on Thursday! =)
Met Ah Ju in the morning before work and we went to makan Korean food!

The sides! Nice!

The "covered" utensils (this shot is quite pointless cuz it didn't show the utensils)

The Main Dishes Yum!
The one with the egg is Kim Chi Fried rice!
Not too bad!

The Seafood ege omelette
Not entirely egg, had a dough base at the bottom..
Not too bad too! But kindna ex... =P

Kimchi Soup!
Perfect for a rainy day!
Makan-ed our lunch and had a great time chatting although didn't have time to shop =(
I miss shopping with this girl =(
Anyway, I had to rush off because of work
with a huge belly cuz I was very very full
My tummy was bloated for the whole day!
Work was ok! Msn-ed ah fy about the exciting night to come =P
Work finally ended and Ah Fy drove to fetch me from work! =)
Enjoyed the breezy ride to Ahxi's house!
(The car's windows were scrolled down and it feels gooooodddddddd)
On the way, we spotted a male driver digging his nose away...
And after using his hands, he used a piece of tissue and continued to dig...
So the 5 of us were staring at him... He didn't notice...
well, if he did... it will be hilarious...
5 girls watching this guy with his unpleasant actions...
Transported Chen Xiao Tu back home and we actually spotted a
Sus..sus...sus...picious item at the carpark!
Big cheena looking bag that we suspected carried bombs or a dead baby body or ransom money... OR!
Police's test on the citizens to see if Singaporeans are alert or whether we will call this police when we see a Sus...sus..sus..picious item!
Beh wanted so much to call the police lolx! But didn't! =P
(by the time we went back down, it's gone...)
Anyway! chummies had a little celebration for me with a rented cake from Swee Heng!
Ah Xi "chut che" while carrying the cake cuz the candles went off just as she appeared
And so... We take many many photos with the cake till it melted into a lump

We ate the cake and chatted till ah beh's enemy came!
A Beetle!
We had to excuse ourselves for the beetle who shared a room with ah xi that night!
Ah Xi didn't want to join us for supper since she reached the comfort of her own house and Mei Mei had to go home cuz it was about 2 plus?
So we sent Mei home and the 3 of us (fy beh and I) went on to eat prata (yes, my stomach exploded that day)!!!
Drove to the prata shop near old SMU and parked the car at some ulu hostel carpark (more of the carpark later)
Yah, so we had lots of mum mum...
Tissue prata, indian rojak, egg cheese onion prata, chicken mutarbak...
Filling and it was delicious! =)
Price was reasonable too! All for just about $18 =)
Let's go back there again k? =)
Went home pregnant (with food) =P
Went to collect ah fy's car only to find out that the carpark entrance was chained up!
Panicked awhile cuz the car wun be able to drive out without geting caught in the chains or scratched!
So ah beh and I had to hold up the chain and thankfully, ah fy's car slided under without scratches! Weee!
Got home, bathed, wait for hair to dry and slpt for 2 hrs plus before waking up for Tumble Tots...
Surprisingly, I wasn't too sleepy at work... Just a tad more tired than usual and feeling fatter this few days...
The aftermath of little slp and too much food.... =P
Anyway, thanks chummies for the great gathering!
Cya all on Tuesday lo!!