School is over! My poly campus life is finally over!
Last paper on the 28 and the chummies (as what fy would call our gang) went for some steamboat buffet!
They really swear by Zhen Fa Huo Hai Xian cuz they didn't seem interested in other steamboat stalls at Marina South. Heh!
We were already imagining the spread there even before stepping into the exam room! Fy and my WANTONS! Beh's Crabsticks! Vicky's Man Tou and Kong Ba!
The 2 hours in exam room flew by, no time to even finish the paper *sob sob*
ANYWAY! Don't talk about the exam le!
We went for a tour around campus before heading to Marina in 2 taxis (cuz today full attendance, heh!)
Had some really DEEP discussion about the weedeoo of ahem, NYP. Vicky is gonna be our very own Vicky, NP. =X She want one!!
We were discussing about our plan for a company that will sell Vicky's weedeo which will have surround sound, dual sound, credits, translation in many languages, the de de de de music before every movie, DAB and lots of other stuff cuz we figured we have got lots of talents within us.
We've got PR, Advertising to market the weedeo
Scriptwriting to write the script (even though we dunno what kind of script it will turn out to be =x)
Acting and directing to direct the video and of cuz, vicky will act.
Radio prod to make into radio or DAB format (to provide the picture in everybody's mind)
Loc vid to film the act
Web D, online journ to make web site
My online shop to sell the weedeo
Buay tahan! But the prob is we don't have a male lead... Haha!
We were crapping all the way on the taxi lah talking about this and ahem.... about birds and bees lah! Poor Uncle, he must be so traumatized that he brought as into CBD area (got extra ERP charges) and made us reach later than the 2nd cab. The other 4 were already seated at Zhen Fa waiting for us leh! *slaps head*
Anyway, we rushed to grabbed our cooked food (which was too much and we had so much leftover =x) as we were all damn hungry!
After having enough of cooked food, we went into our steamboat... Lots of food and PIG LIVER!
Vicky's zhu gan heaven was scary, she say she prob will come that one after having so much. hahaha! BTH!
Don't eat zhu gan so I had some black pepper chicken, ah Fy's char shao and ah Xi's beef! Oh! And our soup was nice cuz we got lots of yao cai! I think those yao cai really put mei mei off cuz she keep asking us not to put anymore. Heh!
Vicky who was scared of the live prawns became the brave one and she used her fingers to grab their long long thingy (sounds wrong but who cares!) and threw them into the soup. We had some Xia Mian Tang (Prawn noodles soup without the noodles). Yum!
Was damn full at the end of it and we went to the arcade. Played bishi bashi and daytona. Zhen Hao Wan!
Took MRT and reached home at about 11 plus. So late! But fun lah! Took lots of photos one the train too!

The person who helped us to take this pic thought she was helping us take a tour group shot -_-"' Look at the amount of scenery!!!

We even had our very local Leaning Tower of Pisa... Notice the stack of grey stools? -_-"'

Alright lah, here's a close up one (cuz i cropped it out)

Mel, Fy and Me

Us, indulging :P

Yummy prawns! :)

Our Yao Cai Tang. See the black aluminum foil? Mei mei's chunk of butter plus fatty bacon...

Ah Bri (xiao hei), mel, me!

Mel and me!

Fy Me! Outside the arcade

On the train with mei mei

Mel, Me and Fy

Me Fy Beh

Us again! ;)

Us again!

Beh and Me!

Our train shot (See the reflection of mel and bri?)

Check out the reflection again (bri's gone!) Yikes!! *she alighted la*
Alright! So much for the photos!
Let me blog about my fantastic V day as well! :)

Above two pics taken at Wisma Food Republic after our movie ;)

At the bus stop waiting for 190 :)
Had a wonderful day with baby!
Met him after lect at 4pm and headed down to town
Bought our tix for "I not stupid too" and went to makan Pepper Lunch.
He had the salmon fried rice while I had salmon and chicken. Mine wasn't very good though, would prefer salmon fried rice :)
We spent the remaining time at Lido Mc Cafe people watching.
We challenged each other to spot the most number of ladies with flowers in their hands.
I won right? =X
It was actually very fun just sitting there, spending time doing silly things like that :)
Time flew passed quickly as we watched the movie, went to wisma food court and then headed home.
Had a real good time with darling! *huggies* :)
Oh! And I spent around a week at Bro's place taking care of Baby D!
He started talking baby language! Damn cute! He keeps smiling so I took lots of smiling pics!
Little happy baby! :D

Stroke his cheeks and he will smile! Cute hor! *strokes cheeks*