Happy 0 (zero-th) Birthday Baby D! (0 signifies the birth)
Merry Christmas!
Happy New Year!
Selamat Hari Raya Haji!
Happy 1st Month Baby D!
Erm... What else? Nvm! That's all of my belated holidays wishes for now!
Lot's have happened since I last blogged (but of course)
Most importantly,
The TAN family welcomed the addition member, Mr Baby D!

This little nephew is damn adorable loh... inherited all the good genes (probably took some mine! cuz my mum gave MY extra good genes to my brother and he gave them to baby D!)
Unfairness, I tell you!
This whole world is unfair. I want his dimples and big eyes and double eyelids and fine hair and and and... his baby bonus! His mum said she will add a few more thousand dollars into his acct so that he will be richer than his aunt (ME). Sadded!
Anyway, he's still adorable! *pinch cheeks*
Had a nice gathering with Cdians 4A at Orchard on Friday the 13! Talked cock, trying to guess lame IQ questions yada yada yada. Nice to meet everyone again! :)
I wanna go Hong Kong! Please sponsor me! :)
Checking out the rates for HK and found one really cheap one in classified ads ($399 for 5 days)
I asked Bro, he said including airport tax and stuff, would prob go up to $500+ which is considered cheap! Weeee! Better go Chinatown check out the prices at those tour agencies there! Will prob gather phamplets and bring along to our Cdians Chu 3 gathering so we can all discuss! Exciting!
Mai tong xi, chi tong xi, mai dong xi, chi dong xi! Weeeee!
Yes! The Lunar New Year is approaching! Yippee! My favourite festival of the year! More ang baos please! Love Chu 1 esp cuz my room will be the cleanest ever (for the whole year) after Chu Xi's spring cleaning. Going to change the position of the stuff in my room so as to freshen things up! I wonder if that will affect the feng shui anot! haha! Well, maybe I can win the TOTO Ang Bo! Is it 10 million? Wow! My Hong Kong trip taken care off! I can even fly to North Pole after that! Wee.........
So ya, hopefully tml I can go to Ikea to get some stuff for my room! I love Ikea! :) Too bad naughty boy cant accompany me... Sadly :(
Anyway... Got to got back to WISP. Sighs... school work sux... Don't remind me...