Happy belated birthday to Ah Gwee!!!
Had a lovely birthday celebration for her today!
Erm, all's lovely except our dinner :P
We are all going to boy-cott Pin Xian Steamboat!!!
Got tricked by this aunty from ***** (shall not be national-ist here)
She told us there were lots of food, blah blah and best of all got free "shuttle bus" or should I say VAN.
So we sat the very exciting trip and were received by few overly-enthusiatic people at the steamboat store. They ran towards our approaching van like we were god of wealths and quickly ushered us to a table before we could even take a peek at their items -_-"'
So we sat down, paid and when we went to see their food. -_-"' Half sian! Nothing much loh!
Ya, there were over 100 diff items (the aunty at the bus stop dared us to count) but it's like 30 types of veges, 7 types of potong icecream (as seen on the picture on the ice cream container, turned out to have only 3 flavours), 20 types of meat (chicken, pork, beef), few containers of cold cooked food (Mr Yik had to BBQ them again so that it will be hot)... Their pepper crab was awful (so much paste! so little meat!) What's more, we were only entitled 3 sticks of satay each!! Lots of complains lah, wasn't very happy with the service there!
Worst thing! My dearest friend and Naughty Boy caught them throwing the leftovers back to the uncooked food dishes loh! They actually recycled the leftover loh! We were damn disgusted la! Never going back there again! We warn you guys first! I bet they will recycle the aluminum foil (cuz we told them to change it and then we were all too full to BBQ some more) Yucks! So dirty and unhygienic!

Service: 1/10 (only because of the "exciting shuttle van", the driver never brake one loh)
Food: 3/10 (Same price as Zhen Fa, standard so diff. Even those stores nearer to ZF serves better and cheaper food!)
Atmosphere: 2/10 (exposed to smoke of satay man behind us, double blow (smoke from front and back) and the people there made the atmosphere bad:( )
Patrons? : 10/10 (That's us! What can I say? Cdians rules! Butterfly and Stupid gang rocks! Best group of friends to hang out ;) )
Conclusion: Never go to Pin Xian unless you have too much money to spend, want to eat leftover food from other people, enjoy watching people scramble to their vans like Mr Yik or just love to have 3 sticks of satay. Enough said!
We proceeded to Marina Square Carls Jr to have our free flow of ice tea! heh! Talked lots of crap about ghosts in hotels, the "Yik How Bangkok Incident", "Sweaty baby from Mr ahem Tan" and us being les and gays =X. Hahaha... damn fun.
Walked over to esplanade and had a hell lot of fun taking crazy shots for an hour? Lolx!
Check these out! ;)

Naughty Boy's take on the model's walkway. Too bad we were shoo-ed away by the security... *bleah*

Us cam-whoring in the toilet (one of the few pics =X)

The nicest shot today (No me!!!! Sadded!)

It's the Pin Xian's Aunty! *gasp*

1,2,3,4,5,6,7! 8's behind the camera!

Boys Stack

Adapted from Line Dancing! Haha!

Finally, a normal shot but it's blurred :(

Who suggested taking the butts?!

The Girls (Butterfly Gang)

Sunflower with the Stupid Gang Lolx!

*muackz* looks abit wrong la! Hahahah

Weird gesture from Mr Yik... The Sp gang...

*Shy* The Np gang...

The Flowers with their half male half female member...

Guys... serve us!

Cool ladies, gentle... men

Starry Girls

Starry Guys (check out ah gwee's and my hands)

The white Watch galore! Check out the time! -_-"'
The artistic durian has definitely brought out the artistic juices in us...
Photos count: 45 *gasp!*