Thursday, September 13, 2007

One of the few things that's worth commending about MC...
A nice nice gym!

All excited bout the new machines, we decided to hit down the gym for a nice workout after work!
Just simply love the equipments with TV!

Us, amazed by the Flabelos!
I hope it does work the way it claims to...

All the poses!
Hur hur!

Me, Mong and Ah Ling flabelosing away behind...

What I did on my 21st...


Of all things to do on a birthday!
(but it was fun thou! More gym sessions to come!)

Thankfully, I still did something sane on the day!

Met up with nauti boy for nice dinner and chat! =)
It's always good to have nice company on special days!
Oh! And I can't wait for Saturday (i.e. after work)!

I'm now patiently waiting for my Nokia E65 to be delivered on Monday!
I got it at a steal of $88++ due to some price errors on the SH website!
Something lucky that happened on my 21st!
So Cdians, I would take that as I gift from your guys! =)

Thanks so much!