So exciting!
It's the month of chalets and parties! :)
Miss Ju's 21st @ Downtown East Resort
Isaac's party of the year @ Changi
21 April weekend (not confirm)
Yik's 21st gathering @ Miss Clarity Cafe (soooo not Yik How)
1st up!
Dearest Ju's 21st! =D
Tons of food, photos, surprises, gossips, scandals and good news!
Let me congratulate the 2 latest couples from our gang (you guys know who you are)
Naughty Boy and I are not the only ones anymore!
Hur hur!
Met Gwee, Ju, Santy earlier at Marina for some shopping before heading to Downtown East...
And especially for Ju, I made her cupcakes!
It reads
"Hapi Bday Ju"
if you cant figure it out :P
Flavours: Ju's favourite Durian! Green Tea (cuz it's green), Chestnut (do I have to explain further?) and Avocado (reminds me of one her fav drinks)
I was about to say how Yik tried to make me happy by saying that my cupcakes taste "like commercial sia!" when he told me in MSN that he's a big fan of my blog...
And just as I said I'm flattered...
he said it's cuz my entries are his bedtime stories....
Idiot Yik! Buzz off!
Our stuff at the check-in counter!
Heavy load...
Made a banner for the bdae girl!
Nothing too fancy, just had to include her favourite Green... :P
Time for some BBQ after a drizzle scare...
Guys in action as usual
Girls cam-whoring as usual...
Retro and Safari theme!

Miss Gwee and me!

Changed shift so Yik who's afraid of people stealing the food, "kop" all the BBQ-ed food into the room..
That's the food catered! Yummy!!
ORH NI!!!!

Making use of the bed and breaking the caterer's chair...
Take a look at me and Gwee...
Everyone was supposed to act cute (nvm that we failed) but!...
No one did the actions except the 2 of us!
The 3 didn't hear us.... =/
Nvm about them, we do it our way right Gwee? =P
A Big Huge hug to my ah Ju! =)
And surprise surprise!
Guess who I saw?
Mr Marcus Chen!
Chatted with him a little and "friendly" Yik went to talk to him...
Poor Marcus... seemed frightened by Yik...
Time for some more snappy shots!
You should look at the number of cameras we have!
Check out the shadows of our photographers (IZ and You wen) Lol...
We vain girls =P
The CJC Gang!
Those were the times...
It's your turn next IZ!
Sorry for not being able to turn up on Friday to help :(
Had to work! :(
Newly attached Ms Chee and me!
We felt molested by Gwee's camera level...
Silly Usha and me had to find a background for our camera shoot and we just went to any chalet unit and grabbed the door knobs...
But Usha realised she couldnt see herself...
Before After
Ah! There she is after some photo editing!
Changed position!
There we can all see you! :)
Cdians '02
Great peeps! :)
The male lead finally came with his bags of durians...
Ju LOVES Durian!
Time for the cake cutting ceremony!
The cake reads
for U
Do you see what I see?

How about some durians?
Naughty Boy said "so ugly" lolx...
I succumb to durians...

Durian and Choc...
Gosh... Double delight, Double sinful...
But wait, the cake had alcohol content... thankfully we didnt "zhong du"
cuz durians are not supposed to be consumed with alcohol...
Gossip of the day!

Hearing JR's story of the "bet" heh...
See Yik that Camwhore... lolx... :P
Into the night, Ju opened up all her prezzies!

There you go! Our PurpleGold pendant
Still contemplating whether to put it online... :P
And the silly girl cried Hahaha
Got Gan Dong right? :P
It's fun! :)
Learnt a new game great!
Hur hur!
Played many rounds of the basketball throwing game! :)
Was sweating ok!? Great exercise!
Hur hur!
Presenting the Cdians 50 years down the road...
Gwee, Ju, Santy and I were talking about celebrating our 90 "Da shou大寿" in the future...
I told them by that time, some of us might already be gone and they laughed...
Can you imagine us celebrating our birthdays all the way to when we are 90?
Naughty Boy said today that we guys would most probably be celebrating our birthdays all the way till we are over 50...
I do hope so!
Love these people lots and everybody, please do continue to keep in contact this way!
May everything be smooth sailing and may you wishes come true!
More Shopping please! :)