Time for some photos of yesterday's meeting!
Birthday Girl...
The cake came in with a bang I tell you!
The ppl let off the sparkle and it gave a huge *BEeeewwwwww* sound...
Scary shit, I think those eating probably spat out their low fat, healthy tomato sauced sea bass...
There! Aiwo's Conveyor Feast!
Buffet style at $17.60++
They said each plate is less than 40kcals! WoooHooo!
Before you jump for joy and shout "Yeah! I won't get fat! Weee!"
Be reminded that this is buffet style so you will eat till you burst and fill your body up with hundreds of 40kcals! (i.e. if you eat 100 plates)
The lovely lovely warm and nutty carrot muffin cake... *slurps*
A healthy choice over the butter loaded, fat filled cakes we get outside *thumbs*
It's sinless!
The waiter took the whole cake for in the kitchen to divide it up for us =)
We reckon they used a saw (it was kindna hard) in the kitchen to portion the cake cuz they took decades to bring it back to us....
Although they took ages, they redeemed themselves by presenting the slices so "prettily" =D
The usual after-the-food group shot Lolx!
This gathering is a really tiny one cuz many couldn't make it =(
The girls shot
This was fun cuz we wanted to put the camera on the conveyor belt to take a pic... Wahahah
The shiny metal thingy in front is the conveyor belt so if the timer didn't go off on time, you will probably see a bowl of celery in front of our smile-till-stiff-faces.

(so big... my pimple scars are obscene =( )
Eunice and Cheng Yee
(so big... my pimple scars are obscene =( )
Eunice and Cheng Yee
Short Form: Nice Yee... I'm nice! =D
Wahahahah! =P
Happy Belated 20th Birthday Guan!