Happy Belated birthday to DJ Nanthu!
*sings birthday song*
Had a little celebration at the legendary eat-all-you-can and pay-whatever-amount-you-want Annalakshmi Vegetarian Indian Restaurant!
The place is nice, beautifully decorated but the person that attended to us wasn't that ideal... =P
And so we ate, paid X amount of money and ran off
No lah, we WALKED out of the restaurant and travelled to Clarke Chicken (Quay)...
Walked around the pub areas and went to this fountain place...

The five girls braved through the dirty waters (cuz the water are recycled) just to take this dark and mysterious pic... wahahaha
Gwee: "Let's all see what Cy is going to blog about this picture..."
Guan: "Ya loh, I'm waiting..."
Cy (thinking): "Shit, I can't think of what captions for this photo! Die..."
Eunice (points down): "Hmmm, this better not be boring!"
Usha: "Haha, ya man! Let's see! If it's not good, no dedications to her!" *laughs*
If you are wondering what are we doing...
We are looking at the small fountain of water which naughty boy didn't capture in this shot =P
The water fountain stopped for us... Wahaha
Erm? What's that suppose to mean?
Yik and his weird poses again...
Taking the first slice...
Mummy Usha with the babies....
That's Baby Yik, Baby Jason and Baby Darius for you...
Mummy Usha goes *burp*
Usha's fortune telling session!
The results showed that she is very 幸运 but her 性 ahem is lacking the sparks =P
Yik told Nanthu to go back and pump
Check out what Guan, Gwee and I wore on that day!
It's the things-bought-in-HK-showcase!
Gwee and mine!!
I was too excited that I carried the bag the wrong side!
Blur me!
On the way home with the birthday girl :)
Yik and the birthday girl...
Sorry yik, didn't manage to capture your "TOSHIBA" logo
See all of you again, Cdians!