Monday, January 31, 2005

Great! Feature outline completed! Finished making prawn and "ba hu" rolls! Heh...!
What's there left to do leh??
- Cookies! My chocolate cornflake cookies "lao hong" liao... Stupid container, so hard to close properly...
- Buy more "ba hu" to make ba hu rolls
- Clean up room
- Switch room
- Buy a Computer *wonder how this will be accomplished*
- Do feature 1

Feel so sianz now... Finished a HK drama yest night... It's damn nice loh... SighZ... Now that I finished watching all the episodes... Feel so sad... Cuz no more le! Nothing to look forward liao!!!

Maybe I should watch it again! :D It's really nice... Anybody watched "Ups and downs in the sea of love" Haha... It's showing in SCV! Really nice... Hahah...

Find the main actor very cute sia... Sia la! Can't watch dramas man... Always end up thinking that the main actor is so cute or so shuai or so charming... ArGh.... Girls are always like that right? Heh!

I want more dramas!!!! I need SCV channel 55 and 56 :(