Finally laid my hands on The Sims 3, all thanks to NB.

The thing about these games... addictive. And yes, I've been playing it for the past 3 days of the much awaited break (from work)!
After 2 resets to my virtual Sims life, I finally built a decent amount of wealth, knowledge (logic etc), personality (charisma etc) and fame to continue my virtual family line. i.e. to "woohoo" and "try for baby" in Sims terms. :P

It was satisfying to see my virtual house, wealth and... "tummy" expanding! :P It was the peak of my Sims life! Built swimming pool, playground, car lots, upgraded my furniture... It was all exhilarating until the game met with some technical bug and everything became very laggy :( Upset!

After a few futile tries to get my Sims cracking, decided to create another family. Miraculously, it worked. But this time round, I had to restart everything. No huge swimming pool, no full bars of "logic" and "charisma" skills :( Being all lazy, I decided to take the easy way out... Sims *ahem* Che*t codes. With the extra amount of Simoleons (currency unit), I bought over all the businesses in town, rebuilt my house, splurge on the most luxurious items and had moolahs to feed 3 kids.
As I sit facing my lavishly furnished virtual house with my Sims enjoying every single item I bought for them, I realised, I didn't know how to continue playing.
It dawned on me that my objectives and goals in the game have been reached, with no effort at all. I was stumped as I tried clicking around, trying to figure out what I should do next (despite the fact that the Sims adults are jobless, children have got some tasks at hand, the wife is hungry, the toddler soiled his pants...)
NB reminded me that I didn't know how to continue because all these little successes gotten with the help of the Che*t code were not results of my effort. The previous game which I spent hours on, got me playing non-stop, made me strive to finish what I set out to do.
I guess this is life. How many times have we taken things that were given to us for granted? Countless I guess. Life blessed us with good family, friends, loved ones and great health. Never mind bout little imperfections here and there... We ought to be appreciative.
Many a times, we wished we were born with a silver spoon. Would I have the same mindset as right now if I am born like that? I am grateful that my family was able to raise me up decently without us having to worry too much (note: too much) about monetary issues. And I am also glad that I was made to pay my own education fees and expenses after secondary school. This probably made me become aware of my finances and inculcate the idea of working hard for what I want. At least I can proudly say I have worked hard and paid off my education fees (ok, not now but in a month's time?), Credit card bills, got my driving license and helped with the household bills/housing loan.
My NB probably taught me a lot too, without both of us realising it. He's a good example of what a tough childhood can do to mould someone into one who works hard for who he is or who he would like to be. Though right now, we may be without a car, we don't dine at classy restaurants, we don't shower ourselves with extravagant items and neither do we have weekly popcorn nights out... I know it will be satisfying to watch us build up our real-life portfolio of wealth, knowledge, personality and family (shy!) in time to come. Just like my virtual Sims - but no bugs when we are at our peaks please!!!
To NB: Good luck on this new phase of your life! 3 years will be over in a wink! :)

The thing about these games... addictive. And yes, I've been playing it for the past 3 days of the much awaited break (from work)!
After 2 resets to my virtual Sims life, I finally built a decent amount of wealth, knowledge (logic etc), personality (charisma etc) and fame to continue my virtual family line. i.e. to "woohoo" and "try for baby" in Sims terms. :P

It was satisfying to see my virtual house, wealth and... "tummy" expanding! :P It was the peak of my Sims life! Built swimming pool, playground, car lots, upgraded my furniture... It was all exhilarating until the game met with some technical bug and everything became very laggy :( Upset!

After a few futile tries to get my Sims cracking, decided to create another family. Miraculously, it worked. But this time round, I had to restart everything. No huge swimming pool, no full bars of "logic" and "charisma" skills :( Being all lazy, I decided to take the easy way out... Sims *ahem* Che*t codes. With the extra amount of Simoleons (currency unit), I bought over all the businesses in town, rebuilt my house, splurge on the most luxurious items and had moolahs to feed 3 kids.
As I sit facing my lavishly furnished virtual house with my Sims enjoying every single item I bought for them, I realised, I didn't know how to continue playing.
It dawned on me that my objectives and goals in the game have been reached, with no effort at all. I was stumped as I tried clicking around, trying to figure out what I should do next (despite the fact that the Sims adults are jobless, children have got some tasks at hand, the wife is hungry, the toddler soiled his pants...)
NB reminded me that I didn't know how to continue because all these little successes gotten with the help of the Che*t code were not results of my effort. The previous game which I spent hours on, got me playing non-stop, made me strive to finish what I set out to do.
I guess this is life. How many times have we taken things that were given to us for granted? Countless I guess. Life blessed us with good family, friends, loved ones and great health. Never mind bout little imperfections here and there... We ought to be appreciative.
Many a times, we wished we were born with a silver spoon. Would I have the same mindset as right now if I am born like that? I am grateful that my family was able to raise me up decently without us having to worry too much (note: too much) about monetary issues. And I am also glad that I was made to pay my own education fees and expenses after secondary school. This probably made me become aware of my finances and inculcate the idea of working hard for what I want. At least I can proudly say I have worked hard and paid off my education fees (ok, not now but in a month's time?), Credit card bills, got my driving license and helped with the household bills/housing loan.
My NB probably taught me a lot too, without both of us realising it. He's a good example of what a tough childhood can do to mould someone into one who works hard for who he is or who he would like to be. Though right now, we may be without a car, we don't dine at classy restaurants, we don't shower ourselves with extravagant items and neither do we have weekly popcorn nights out... I know it will be satisfying to watch us build up our real-life portfolio of wealth, knowledge, personality and family (shy!) in time to come. Just like my virtual Sims - but no bugs when we are at our peaks please!!!
To NB: Good luck on this new phase of your life! 3 years will be over in a wink! :)