Day 5 - Hong Kong & Macau
It was our last day in Hong Kong :(
Since we are catching the afternoon ferry to Macau, we took a walk around Mongkok after our breakie...
Us, on the bridge that leads to Hua Yuan Jie...
Too bad most of the shops were not opened yet!
Couldn't even get my hands on the packet noodles for the last time!
This is the ticketing counter where we got our ferry tix...
Damn ulu la... Didn't expect Cotai Jet's counter to look like this?
Looks like some cheapskate TOTO counter?
Bah! Anyway, I think our ride is the 12noon one??
No one to send us off? LOL
On board and praying for a giddy-free ride!
Looking neat and clean... Hur hur~
Cotai Jet...
Much better than First Ferry...
At least, we didn't leave the ferry feeling nauseous...
We managed to take a short one hour nap!
Hi again, Venetian! =D
Hotel's West Lobby where all the shuttle buses park.
Arrived! Again~ :)
Lots of people at the lobby but it soon cleared up!
Ta dah!
The lady checking in for us...
Check in time: 1:50pm
Woohoo... Time for our luxurious stay in this 5/6 stars resort =)
Making our way to the suites~
We are the South Guests!
(Stayed at the south wing of the hotel suites that is...)
Our passports and door cards.
Love the grandiose feel and extravagant decor of the place...
I am impressed just looking at how long the walkways are, seems endless...
Lo and Behold...
First glimpse of our spacious 755 sq ft, Royale suite =)
The sunken living room
Our cosy King sized canopy draped bed!
Many many pillows :)
You can actually make a request to save the earth by not changing your bed linen... LOL
Guess this move can also save them lots of water as well...
The living room... Probably the same size as my home's
Portrait of actual Venice...
I see similarities!
Am quite amazed at how similar Venetian is replicating the actual place...
The lavish and humongous bathroom ;)
Venetian has the world best mirror!!
This mirror magnifies the smallest pore (like a zillion times?) so you can squeeze your blackheads etc etc...
Wahahah... sounds disgusting but this is really good!!
Got extra lighting some more!
Simly Fabulous... Keke...
Own dressing table.
A fellow colleague who stayed in Venetian as well said the toilet felt eerie because of the colonial decor...
She added that the dressing table made it even more creepy...
LOL... thank goodness it didn't cross my mind at the time...
Enjoyed the stay there =)
She added that the dressing table made it even more creepy...
LOL... thank goodness it didn't cross my mind at the time...
Enjoyed the stay there =)
The toilet bowl... LOL
Hey, you can chat with other people while doing your business...
Toiletries and Vidal Sassoon hair dryer...
Our bathing robe~
Ok, this is just a sneak peak...
More of the room later!
Quickly unloaded our stuff and went out to explore Macau...
Our lift lobby...
This is where NB met those "woman" =(
Took Public transport to Senado Sq...
Their public buses are very helpful...
There are announcements made at each stop which tells you the name of the place and tourist sites around the vicinity...
Ruins of St Paul.
Originally, Cathedral of St Paul

Its really amazing how this facade miraculously survived the fire in 1835...

So pretty~
I mean the background la... aiya... me too la...

Taking a closer look...
Originally, Cathedral of St Paul
Its really amazing how this facade miraculously survived the fire in 1835...
So pretty~
I mean the background la... aiya... me too la...
Taking a closer look...
We went up the stairs for a even closer look at the facade.
Damn, read up on wikipedia that it's a custom to throw coins (as above) for luck~
We didn't throw loh... #$!@#~!
Check out the spaceship lookalike building in the background...
I'm amazed at how it was constructed...
It's a hotel by the way...
There's really LOTS of hotel in Macau cum casinos!
All shapes and sizes
This is the street leading up to Ruins of St Paul...
Lots of touting!
These shops competing to sell you what Macau's famous for...
Almond cookies!!
Anyway, everyone was given almond cookie samples, egg roll with pork floss and there were these people who cut strips of Bak Kua on the spot with a scissors and distribute to everyone who walked pass.
We didn't have our lunch but had our fill from eating these samples...
For your info, these samples are not pieces chopped up into pathetically tiny bits and offered to customers... Their samples are huge whole pieces of cookies!
And er... even bigger than those prepacked pieces that we bought home =/
No choice la, freshly made ones are for sampling, we can only buy prepacked ones
Nevertheless, the had pretty fierce competition but its good for consumers :P
Nv tried almond cookies that came out straight from the oven before and I simply dig it!! :)
It's pure coincidence that the plastic bag says "da san ba" k?
Our huge loot!
The night scene of Macau Island...
Much brighter and prettier than the photo, of course...
Well, the whole place is lit up by lights coming from thousands of casinos...
They should organise more earth hours man...
Too environmentally unfriendly...
take more pictures in the room = more memories = money well spent = happy NB = happy NG = happy holiday = more holidays = YAY!
We wanted to go for a dip in the pool but alas, it was closed by the time we made our way there... =(

So, we went to check out other hotel facilities.
To the GYM!
Complimentary drink and usage of towels with spanking clean toilets..
I would hit the gym everyday if it's built like that in my residence!!
If you look closer, you can see somebody in the background..
Yes, they hire gym instructors to guide you while you slog your guts out on these machines...
Cool hor!!!
Too bad my feet was still aching from the tiresome walks and I had no proper gym wear...
Else, I will definitely go for a workout there...
High Class Foodcourt...
Takoyaki balls cost 35HKD...
Row Row Row your boat...
Gently down Venetian...
Ok ignore me...
We are fascinated by the decor..
From day...
to night...

Us, with the human statue...
Some people actually threw money at the platform...
I thought it seemed quite rude?
Your view?
NB wanted just wanted to take pic of this but I had to pop in...
See the effort made into the construction of this hotel?
Big Big Big!!
It's not everyday that I can appear small ok?
The casino resides just a storey below us

Big Money Big Money...
Nah, we didn't play cuz the bets were too big... :(
Big Money Big Money...
Nah, we didn't play cuz the bets were too big... :(
Hotel's main lobby...
Too bad we didn't check in here...
We checked in at the small West side lobby... :(
This looks so grand and pretty!!
The colour is so sweet loh!
Even the ceiling is a piece of art...
Us, with whatever this statue is...
Enough of the interior, we decided to take a stroll outside...
They should just make these doors automatic...
Very heavy leh...
Had trouble pulling in our luggage on the first day... =/
Venetian's night view
Us, with the big screen...
Macau - Taipa Island seems to be lit up by Venetian.
The hotel looks really magnificent behind us...
Wanna stay here?
Us, with the grand resort as the background...

Spent some time walking around the hotel's vicinity...
How often do you find a hotel big enough for you to take a few hours walking around the vicinity and checking out the interior architecture?
The external water feature... where you can take a Gondola ride too!
A site under construction, just across Venetian...
Looks like a massive project...
Guess it will surpass Venetian to be Macau's largest hotel?
It's scary how fast these places are developing...
And that (1st pic) is the entrance to the casino...
And lots of pics of ceilings huh?
Cuz they are all beautifully painted...
Must show more appreciation ma!
Went back to the suite after exploring the hotel...
Wore our couple slippers! =)
More shots of our suite... hahahaha
Was damn tired from the walking and sight-seeing that I hit the sacks once we went back...
Too much things to see, too many colours, too overwhelmed...
Overwhelmed yet?
to be continued...