It's the beginning of the year again and with all the 21st birthday hype in 2007, the Cdians had quieter gatherings this time...
22 now seems like a big number... =/
The jump from 21 to 22 is just a year but I suddenly feel older by a few...
We definitely can't get away with many things now... Lol...
Anyway, the first celebration turned out to be Nauti Boy's one since we missed the previous 2 persons...
Well, it's getting difficult organise Cdians gathering...
Would appreciate if everyone cooperates for future meet-ups so we can ease the burden on the organiser's side
(Yay! Everyone's gonna take turns now... though it feels kindna sad we had to resort to doing this... *shrugs*)
Anyway, a small group of us went to Awon Korean Restaurant @ Excelsior Shopping Centre
Didn't manage to eat anything except a piece of tofu from the side dish which was a pity cuz I've heard raves for the place before...
Wasn't a happy celebration due to some conflict between Nauti Boy (No, it's not because of the girl or the photos below -_-"') but everything is sorted out (of cuz!) and all's fine! =)
That was probably the most serious bicker we had in the recent years but I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it wun get any worst in the future. =)
Oh, and by the way, that's Ting Ting who always celebrate her birthday with Nauti Boy in their Mac days...
The Jan babies =)
And moving on, the most recent celebration was Ah Gwee's...
Dear Usha managed to gather nearly the whole gang for a Sunday night dinner @ this Civic servant's club restaurant in Bukit Batok...
Reminded us of Guan Yi's 18 (or 19) birthday get-together, when we were all young and energetic... LOL!
Ok, I think I'm beginning to act oldish...
Our spread of food (more dishes came up of cuz, but I started eating already so no more photo taking =X)
The area was pretty scenic with all the lovely nature landscape and man-made waterfalls (thou the guys got reminded of the forests they see in NS instead -_-"')
Even their toilets were interesting! Lol
Even their toilets were interesting! Lol
We are so formal, I can't stand it! Lol

Mr Yik wanted a game of pool so those who don't play sat around chatting and cam whoring =)

Mr Yik wanted a game of pool so those who don't play sat around chatting and cam whoring =)
Check out the butt shot!
Other then pool, there was the very affordable arcade!
Where in Singapore can you find an arcade with games that cost only one 50c token each?!
They played Daytona as usual and I managed to play 2 of those music and rhythm games!
Ya, we took the above obscene photo there too...
Isaac, what a "nice" angle ah?~!
Lolx! Definitely look misleading, wrong and hey! keep those dirty thoughts of yours away!!*Roar!*
Happy 22nd birthday, Gwee!
The cake after the horrendous "knife-work"

Looking all proper again!

Us, thinking of a solution for a particular girl... LOL!

Looking all proper again!

Us, thinking of a solution for a particular girl... LOL!
Nice having a short meetup with Cdians to catch up and I'm looking forward to the next!
It's Yik and Isaac who are responsible for the April babies now and I'm pretty confident that they will do a good job! =)
See you guys soon!
Meantime, I would have to Gambate @ work!
And yay! Supper on 7th march with the khakis! ;)