Happy New Year everybody!
Cdians had their 2nd New Year gathering at Rong's...
Went thru quite a traumatising incident on the way to his place though...
What a more disgusting way to start of 2008 than seeing a mid-age china-man wanking himself in public...
I was afraid he could run after me and maybe pollute my belongings with his "stuff" cuz the place was so deserted! =S
Sigh... I need to get that disgusting image off my mind soon...
He made me lose my appetite (though it regained pretty soon... =X)
Ok... At least, I gave half the bloated hotdog to nauti boy soon after "thanks-ah-mr-Rong" reminded me of the incident during steamboat =/
Ok, enough of my self-reminder to the image.... back to our gathering...
Well, as usual, Mr Rong displayed his culinary skills to prepare us a scrumptious meal!

Bai Zan Ji and Sambal Stingray!

Finger food - Nuggets and Seaweed Chicken

Soup for steamboat!

A pot of bloated hotdogs and tons of vege, fishballs and fishcakes

Eunice's pile of prawn shells...
Thanks girl for shelling the prawns for us =)

My pile...
I can see isaac slurping the soup behind... lolx!
Soup and fish are probably the only food that managed to get into his tummy
But I'm glad he's finally able to take in some soft food...
What's the festival like without some good food?!

This gathering isn't totally happy and all because of some miscommunication...
Glad we did speak our mind and cleared up some stuff...
Hope everything will be fine soon!
Cheers to our friendship! =)
Thanks to:
Jiang Rong: For lending us your home and cooking up a stomp for us... 辛苦你了! Had to wake up early for grocery shopping in the markets.
Ju: For waking up so early to help JR prepare! We all know 7am is very early for you and 辛苦了 our dear ju for just helping JR pay HIS money during the market trip. =)
Isaac: For coming early to help out and sharing with us your laughter.
Yik: For coming early to help out.
Darius a.k.a Nauti boy: For joking around and make everyone laugh. *hugs*
Oh! and stop strangling me ah... :P
Eunice: For shelling the prawns and feeding us. Also, for dropping me at my place and offering to send the pile of newspaper to Darius! =)
Chee Wei: For acting like award winners with your deary, mass distributing cds and giving way to a pregnant woman... Lolx!
Gwee: For 打扮-ing nicely for today and remember to send Jason your photo! *winks* =P
Usha: For coming over today for steamboat. Glad to have clarified some stuff and sorry to make you upset... *peace* We understand where you are coming from so ya... cheer up!
Santy: For bring along your "Brother" and joining us today! 加油加油 hor!
Jim: For joining us for the first time. Though you will never get to see this, I hope you've enjoyed the dinner. See ya around if fate permits!