4th Sep 2004
Went out with Ju ju today! :D Shopping day... ! Keke...
Went to work as usual in the morning... Work was Ok... Auntie Irene gave me a bracelet as a teacher's day present! Haha... :D
Was suppose to meet Kit for the survey thingy one... But she also sianz... so we din do anything... Haha! :P
So, I met Julia earlier for our spree!!! Keke... Went to or usual hangout... lolx! Orchard... Saw Juliet Chan, Raymond Tan ( They were living a the marriot hotel... -_-"') Saw Serene and her Bf as well! :) Hee... Bought a Giordano top and a Samuel & Kevin skirt... Got discount mah... :P I ask Dar if he can sponsor my shoppin, he said anything Haha... :P But I wun let him... :P Anyway, Ju and me went to OG to try on some clothes... lolx We went into the same changing room and took photos inside just like the last time! Haha! Lolx! :P
Anyway! it was really fun loh... Talked alot of crap! Hahah... And gossip oso :P
Yeah! Can't wait to go out with her again! Ju hols mah... unlike me... Argh... This week is gonna be a hectic week! I want to go out!!!!!!
5th Sep 2004
Work as usual! Auntie Irene opening another new class... Means I got to work longer hrs on Sunday! More money but... :( Less time spent with my sis... :( Sianz loh... Argh! Ok, forget bout that... Auntie is going to treat us lunch! Yeah! Our long deserved lunch! She owned us 3 meals leh! Haha... So probably going out this Friday since its their sch holidays le... :( Argh... Dun remind me about holidays! This week is going to be terrible!!!
Came back from work! Sis was already here! So early! Anyway, we both went to spa our face... lolx... We were competing who could stay in the water longer... I lost haha... cuz i scared the water will go into my nose Eek...
Okok... Waited for Bro and Da Sao to come home before we can start our STEAMBOAT!!! heh... Nice nice... Pestered my Mum for a birthday cake. She actually wanted to get me one... But she decided to take a nap instead. So I called my Brother and requested for one! And he bought home a cake! Mango cake! :) *yumm* Keke... so happy... Then, we used my lappy to view my bro's wedding pictures... Very nice! :) So fast! Less than a month to go!!! Got wedding dinner le! so exciting!!! :D
Had a wonderful steamboat dinner... watched TV and the CAKE!!! Hee... We sang the birthday song... Celebrated Bro (2nd sep), Da sao (28th sep i think...) and my birthday today loh! It was great!! HEe! Lalala... Although it was just a short and simple celebration, it meant alot to me loh... Im really happy! :D
The mango cake... Doesnt look appetising due to my sis's poor photography skills... :P
The September Babies... :D
Hopefully, we can get to celebrate more birthdays together! Will get to celebrate again in Oct (Sis, Mum and Dad)'s birthday!!!! :D
Lalalala... :)