South Africa Adventure 10 - 13 July 2010 - Day 2
13 July 2010 - Johannesburg- Last day
Our last day on this continent and closing in on the end of this amazing trip :(
Woke up to have our last breakfast at the hotel.
The sausages tasted a little different, so I went for more eggs and had a huge helping of yogurt with tons of fruits! :)
After packing up, we bid goodbye to the staff at the hotel.
And embarked on the way to the airport in our mini van.

Took a walk around the airport after check in and got some souvenirs as well.
Bye South Africa...
After the 13 hours ride, we arrived.
Safely back in Singapore with our Vuvuzela loots!
However, one of our Vuvuzela got lost in transit. Somebody probably took it! :(
Luckily, managed to get some compensation from the airlines, all's not lost. :P
Had a superb trip courtesy of Sony.
One continent down, next continent to go, Europe!!